
GREEKC hackathon training event

View the Project on GitHub GREEKC/hackathon-marseille

REST interface for RSAT

Project proponent

Expected participants


¨Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools (RSAT) is a specialised software suite for the detection of cis-regulatory elements in non-coding sequences.

RSAT Web services were originally based on SOAP/WSDL, a professional standard developed in the years 2000, which is hard to mainain, and is not supported anymore by R. Bioinformatics resources are currently adopting the REST standard for their Web services.

Thuy Nga Thi Nguyen (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France), who developed the new interfaces to RSAT (Nguyen et al., 2018), recently implemented a first version of REST Web services, currently restricted to a handful of entry point for specific tool:


  1. Add entry points required for the other hacking projects of this hackathon (in particular the project “Workflow for the analysis of disease-associated regulatory variants”).

  2. Add entry points for some recently developed RSAT tools (e.g. matrix-clustering)

  3. Develop a detailed documentation for the existing and new entry points.

  4. Implement small test and demo scripts invoking these web services with various languages.


Intermediate goals and milestones

After day 1, …

After day 2, …

Mobilized resources

Resource name Data types URL
RSAT Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools http://rsat.eu
RSAT REST Prototype of the RSAT REST Web services http://rsat-tagc.univ-mrs.fr/rest/

Languages, libraires and tools

Requested skills for the hacking