
GREEKC hackathon training event

View the Project on GitHub GREEKC/hackathon-marseille

Annotating resources on gene regulation in bio.tools + EDAM

Project proponent

Expected participants


The goal of this hacking project is to annotate the bioinformatics resources (tools, databases) and data types related to gene regulation in two specialised European databases developed in the context of ELIXIR projects.

These two complementary resources should enable us to formally describe any workflow as a graph connecting tools (associated to precise operations) and data (associated to precise data types).

Tool descriptions can also be exported as biotoolsSchema metadata, providing a formal description of the tool prone to exchange of metadata and tool description on Web sites.

During the hackathon, we will treat in priority the resources and objects used in the other hacking projects.

Mobilized resources

The table below provides the URL of each resource mobilised by the workflow, and indicates their API if availeble.

Resource name Data types URL
bio.tools Database of bioinformatics tools and databases https://bio.tools/
EDAM ontology of data types and operations in bioinformatics http://edamontology.org/page
EDAM browser a user-friendly tool to browse and search EDAM ontology https://ifb-elixirfr.github.io/edam-browser/#operation_0238

Requested skills for the hacking

Expectated deliveries

Final goal

At the end of the hackathon, we aim at providing a set of precisely described gene regulation resources, more easily findable/shareable, and composable into bioinformatics workflows.

Side project Binder

A jupyter notebook demoing how Bio.Tools entries could be automatically transformed into BioSchema or Schema.org markup.